2014 Alumni Gear
Below are the mockups for this year's Alumni Game gear. The shorts are sublimated (with pockets, naturally) and the shooters are Nike performance shirts. This year, odd will have yellow shorts and grey shirts, while even will have green shorts and white shirts
As was the case for years past, we're asking for a donation along with the cost of the alumni shirt and shorts. All donations go directly to the Clarkson Men's Lacrosse Program. In the last three years, we've raised just under $3,000 for the program through the sale of shirts and shorts for the alumni game alone.
There is one more week to order your gear. Please email Bryan Jackson (2007) with your shirt and short sizes and number no later than July 25 if you'd like to be included in the order. Please also send a minimum payment of $65 to Bryan using the link below as well (PayPal). While $65 will cover the cost of the shirt and shorts, we encourage you to give more. Any extra money you send will be donated directly to the program at this years alumni game.
Alumni Gear Payment / Donation
You'll see a mockup of the helmets a bunch of the alumni ordered this year as well. There won't be another order before the game this year, but if there's enough interest we'll place another order after the Alumni Game in October.
Odd Gear

Even Gear
